Even has a small size and small, a living room is still able to give the impression of comfort and good looking for a single occupancy. Create achieve these results, of course, used an innovative pieces that genius in its decoration. The design of tiny living room where the kind that could make that comfortable feel of the place and compact? Intrigued with tiny living room design? Following review
more information, refer to with carefully.
Create answer questions about the design of tiny living area, as well as the answer, it could be described along pengonsepan sophisticated minimalist tiny living room. With trendy minimalist design, where able to create the feel of a simple, compact, once graceful membererikan risk to occupants who make linger in such places.
Sign against a wall components, to strengthen the impression of a fashionable minimalist, will be applied to wallpaper, upholstered walls and even natural rocks were layered teak. In coloring, can be combined between the wall-dindingya. Not necessarily compact between the wall with the other one. But, who carried the colors remain aligned and matching.
Create beautify the walls, will be attached to the little touches such as wall hangings wall lamps and paintings. While ceiling living area, also need presented for improving the aesthetic value of the place. ceiling dome models kumplit will be designed with a dome ceiling lights that surround the dome which is attached to the ceiling.
Problem sofa that would be adopted, could rely on the model 2 seaters sofa with table kumplit terms. Regarding living area table, can be chosen fit the tastes, simple models, or models stacking table upholstered sofa with colors that match. The idea aims to create uniformity and compactness For the sofa and the table that is attached to the living area.
Problems floor, would be applied along ceramic or wood floors. Against a location floor could be superimposed along the carpet on top to give the impression of warmth to the place. decorations will be strengthened along with the presence of a chandelier which serves for providing information to midnight HRI. The chandelier should avoid striking motive for avoiding the impression that seem unusual to spot design.
For perfect tiny living room decoration, curtains pin with a simple motif of the location. Curtains will diaplikasikn together a blend of dark colors like brown, gold, or Tosca. Regarding size, could be adjusted along the width of the window where you residential living. Once the review related to design tiny living room, hopefully useful to readers.